Dear Friends, Gabriel marks four years today, December 7th, since he was baptized in the Cathedral so beloved to me and my own personal history — that holy place where his parents also were married. Tomorrow marks one of the most important anniversaries in my life, as well. That sacred event also took place in the Cathedral, in the very same spot where Gabriel received the gift of New Life in Christ. So as we celebrate our national feast, the Immaculate Conception, it’s especially important for me to finalize the manuscript for “Dear Gabriel — a Father’s Legacy” Book 1, Stories of Life. Although by October 13th, the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima’s 100th anniversary, I had gathered and written nearly all the material for this book, I’ve been working hard to supply plenty of images and to organize the book as best possible. God willing, it will come out in late January. Keep us in your prayers! You’re in ours. Dean.
Dean has lived in Seattle, Berkeley, Santa Fe, and Northern Idaho, as well as in Europe and Mexico. Now married, with a son-sent-from-heaven, he works in Stockton, CA as a public school teacher, and a minister. For twenty years, he served as a Catholic seminarian, deacon, and priest. Little by little, he's writing the books that have been on his mind and heart for years -- some for decades.