From the book’s introduction: drawn in 1973
to illustrate a poem by author’s great-aunt.
Now Available! 2023’s 430-page Ultimate Edition: a brilliant, original anthology featuring the sacredness, beauty, and meaning of Christmas, plus 21 dramatic episodes in poetry, narrative, and art. You’ll explore Spiritual Life, Politics, History, Psychology, and Enlightenment – all spanning 56 years of a remarkable life-journey. You’ll discover Challenge and Adventure, Tears and Laughter, Pain and Transformation, Crisis and Redemption, Doubt and Renewed Devotion. New: 2022’s episode 19 on the Ukraine War and 2023’s “The Final Hour” (episode 20) on the End Times. For interviews and updates, please see my Blog Page. See below for a video introduction to my 200-page 2017 First Edition of Delivered on Christmas, as well as my recent talk in San Francisco.
Welcome to my website. I hope you’ll feel at home. As we say in Spanish, “Mi casa es tu casa.” (I also hope that “Mi causa será tu causa.”) I’ve been writing and drawing ever since I could lift a pencil. If you have any comments or suggestions, we’ve included a page for you. God bless you and your loved ones as you explore this site, and as you go forward writing – that is, letting God write — the story of your own life. Review: I agreed with McFalls that the Christmas stories he told needed to be written beautifully, and he certainly delivered… The prose he wrote painted stunning pictures in my head of his life during the holiday season. Using vivid imagery, the author let us see what he experienced…Reading his rhymes reminded me of reading Dr. Seuss. Additionally the author also utilizes humor, working nicely into the stories… This book made me feel a wonderful range of positive emotions. I felt happy, entertained, amused and a lot of others just by reading his stories and prose. It’s a great book for any poetry fan to read since the verses are spot-on. I think people who aren’t poetry fans will also enjoy reading this book, as it certainly appeals to a wide range of audiences. The rhyming schemes and appropriate humor make it a quick and easy read. Delivered on Christmas definitely delivers funny stories, great prose, and laughter-inducing verses. The way McFalls writes keeps you wanting more and more, making you a little disappointed when the book ends. I liked his writing so much, I’ve gone through and re-read some of the stories a second time… (see Reviews and Comments page for full text)
Video produced by David Gray of Boulder Independent Productions, Colorado
Dean’s recent 10-minute talk in San Francisco on Delivered
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